When it comes to managing your bloggers, you want to do it well. However, the current posts page on EasyBloggers was difficult to use for many people, especially big stores. The page became slow and took a long time to load. I am excited to tell you about a new way to look at the posts page. It is easier than ever to use, has filters and a new way to show information.
Filters for everyone
Depending on your role within the event or store, you will have access to a store, avatar, or product filters. This is a convenient way to quickly show the work of a particular blogger, or, how many bloggers requested a particular item.
New way of displaying information
The new cards for your posts are now completely responsive and adapt to your screen size. The links, the status, and the deadlines are colored according to how many days remain. The idea is to have something that looks better and gives you all the information you need at a glance.
New design
Since the last release note, a EasyBloggers has been slightly redesigned across the app. Starting with the application forms. They now look more clean, and are 100% responsive.
Overall, the design is more aligned with the landing page of EasyBloggers. It's now available for everyone, enjoy.