One of the first things stores or events do when using EasyBloggers, is looking for bloggers. While some of them have already their team, some don't, and they have to run a bloggers search ad on their social media. You have to create an appealing picture, copy your application link and share it.
It works, but it's time-consuming and some bloggers might never see that you're looking for bloggers to join your team. I'm excited to announce a new category on EasyBloggers: 🔍 Explore
Explore Users
Everyone can access the top bloggers on EasyBloggers. While exploring the users, you can see their stats of posts from all time, as well as the count of accepted posts for the current month. You can see their about section, and see their social media. If you think that the blogger could be a perfect fit for your store, click on their card to go on their profile, and invite them directly to join your team of bloggers.

In addition to this new Explore section, a new section "Last 10 accepted posts" has been added to each profile, giving you the possibility to see the work of the user.
Explore Events & Stores
Events and stores looking for bloggers will be displayed in this new section, with their socials links and about description. Click on a store to see their application link and apply directly.
Note: Only the stores and events with an active subscription, and an opened application form will be displayed on this page.
Create a location from your product
When editing or creating a product, designers will now be able to create a location directly from this page, instead of going to their settings and coming back to continue.

Members enhancement
The status of a blogger is back on the Members page! It will display if a blogger has a missed deadline, or if they are meeting the required post quota for the current month.

Various changes
When bloggers and friends are filling a post, a comment section has been added.
A permanent fix has been implemented to prevent the crash of the Newsletters page
The number of locations has been increased for the free plan, from 2 to 5
Better visualization: For bloggers, the product's border will now depend on your post's status with the product.
The deadline is now correctly removed when cancelling a post.
Events can invite a store when visiting their profile, in their team
Events can temporarily prevent designers to assign products to their event. Useful between rounds!
Stores can set minimum accepted posts per month requirement in their settings.